Stylish Power Banks Let People Worry About Running Out of Power No More

Stylish power banks with OLED display from Shenzhen Esorun Technology solve people’s problems of running out of power for their gadgets. This power bank will show the instant electric current on its mirror OLED board.

Shenzhen,China (PRWEB) January 04, 2013
Stylish power banks with OLED display now available in the market from Shenzhen Esorun technology solve people’s problems of running out of power for their gadgets. Its portable and fashionable design with the function of instant electric current display on a mirror board makes it handy and convenient for all gadget users.
Gadgets are essentials in people’s lives. People use them so much throughout their days and take them and use them everywhere they go. Gadgets also have many different programs and applications on them that use up battery power. It is no wonder why gadgets run out of power easily.
It is always good to have supply power for phone, camera and other digital devices. Many times it is not enough to charge them once and have that power last several days or sometimes even just one day. It is also inconvenient to keep looking for power outlets to charge their phones or gadgets. Power banks solve this problem and make power supply convenient. People can just charge a power bank and bring them wherever they go and they have an emergency charger for their smart phones.
The power banks available from Shenzhen Esorun Technology Co. Ltd are stylish and fashionable and come in mini-sizes for extra portability and convenience. There are different models and designs with an 85% efficiency and double USB connector. They have an A-grade cell battery with an output current of 2A that also supports iPad. It is the first power bank with the function of OLED display to show the user electric current. For those who want more information on these great power banks, can look them up on their website at or visit youtube for a video display.
About Shenzhen Esorun Technology Co. Ltd.
Esorun is a professionally run technology company that manufactures and supplies iPhone and iPad accessories, wireless hard drives, power banks, external batteries, Bluetooth speakers, fly mouse’s and other phone accessories.
The company’s core technology team consists of professionals who have over 10 years of experience working with Foxconn and Huawei Groups.

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